Quote 70

Anthony Marra

Dear Mr. Rapf:

I have represented Fox & Foxx Development, L.L.C. on many real estate transactions, and as you know your title insurance agency performs their title insurance work. I would like to draw your attention to a job very well done today by Natalie Maldonado. Below is an e-mail I sent today to Natalie regarding an issue pertaining to an incorrectly indexed deed at the Middlesex County Clerk’s office. The error by the county clerk needed to be corrected so that a pending sale of real estate for my client could conclude. Without that correction, the real estate transaction, as strange as it may seem, would probably have died.

Instead of taking days to correct which is what I suspect would take place, I received a telephone call from Natalie about one half hour after sending her that e-mail wherein she said that she, herself, had called the county clerk, informed them of the error, and demanded that the error be corrected. She was told that it would be corrected, but Natalie apparently was not satisfied. She demanded to know when it would be corrected. She was told it would be corrected in thirty (30) seconds.

Such quick and decisive action is, unfortunately, the exception rather than the rule in today’s work environment. Natalie’s work today is to be highly commended, and I thought you should know that.

1901 Rt. 27
P.O. Box 356
Edison, NJ 08818
Tel: (732) 985-3800
Fax: (732) 985-3843

E-Mail: tony@marraesq.net